Saturday, November 3, 2012

Transitions after Marriage

Once marrying, a couple has the transitions of living together. These include sharing a bed and bathroom; spending holidays with which family; desired sleep patterns. Some of these might seem odd to think that they can cause tension, but at the same time they can bring a couple closer. Here are some examples I’ve heard:
One spouse desires to stay up later, the other desires to spend time falling asleep together.
One spouse desires to cuddle; the other does not, which makes them feel un-loved by their spouse.
The wife takes a long time to get ready in the morning; the husband gets frustrated by this.
One spouse is very careless and messy, the other clean and orderly.
And holidays with families is something that always causes some disagreement, couples need to work out a plan together with each taking consideration of their own feelings as well as of their spouse and in-laws. Couples should understand that they should now cleave to each other, and not to their parents. They are no longer children, they are married adults.

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