Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pregnancy and Birth

There is a trend that the perceived happiness of each spouse declines after the birth of each child. There are ways to prevent this; most important of all is to continue dating at least each week even after being married. A couple should not think that although they are married and live together they do not need to date anymore. People change, and when a couple continues to date they change in a way that keeps them close, not draws them apart from each other. Dates can be very simple, such as talking alone to together while having dinner or a snack at home. Dating tends to decline or stop during pregnancy or while having young children, a couple should be aware of this so they do not miss out on too many dates together.
During pregnancy the husband should be very involved with what is going on in the wife’s body and emotions. She should share her experiences (the baby kicked! or something else she feels). The appointments should be scheduled at a time the husband can go with his wife, especially so he can see the baby in the ultrasound. The husband and wife should go baby shopping together, as oppose to the wife going with her friends.

During the birth of the baby the husband should take precedence over the wife’s mother. Although some make the birth a special experience between grandmother, daughter, and grandchild; it should be father, mother, and their new baby. Some hospitals have noticed that this happens and will hand the baby first to the husband, then for him to bring the baby to his wife, and then together show their extended family.

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