Thursday, December 6, 2012

Communication and Power

You communicate with words, tone of voice and actions (non-verbally). Communication can be lost in the “feedback loop” and is often during decoding portion.
Person 1’s thoughts (feelings)àencoded messageà medium of communicationàdecoded messageàPerson 2
In marriage it is important to: not only to learn how to communicate effectively, but how to communicate with your spouse effectively; learn how to disagree without being disagreeable; know what is best for the relationship, not necessarily compromise; and care at least as much about your spouse as you do yourself.
There are also 6 different forms of power:
Coercive: to avoid punishment from spouse
Reward: to recieve a reward from spouse
Legitimate: the spouse has the right to ask for help and you have to duty to comply
Expert: one person has more knowledge of particular things
Refernt: identification with or admiration of spouse and a desire to please them
Informational: persuasion by spouse that what they want is also in your best interest

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