Monday, October 15, 2012


Homo-sexuality is a very touchy topic to discuss. I think the reason it is so touchy is because there is no evidence to prove it is or is not biological. So before you get mad at the topic, please just read about the theories associated with it.

Here is the most common theory associated with homo-sexuality: “They were just born gay”. This is usually thought to mean that they cannot overcome it, or it is easier to choose to be that way, and others believe it is biological. These thoughts make people believe that they can only be satisfied with the same sex and therefore ask for a redefinition of marriage and the family.
Another, more accurate, theory is “Exotic becomes Erotic” this doesn’t necessarily mean in a romantic way, but merely as friends. An example of this is a young boy with more feminine qualities than usual who hangs out with females because the other boys do not accept him. By the time he reaches middle school about age 11, which is when most children want to get to know the children they have not hung out with. Not always, but sometimes, this can become more exaggerated when they are older, and the child wanting to be accepted becomes romanticized feelings.

Another contributing factor to same-sex attraction is sexual abuse. 68% of homo-sexual men who were molested said they were not attracted to men until after they were molested. As for women; over 60% of homo-sexual women were happily married, and then after problems arose they divorced and the women decided to become homo-sexual after the divorce, although they never believed so before.

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