Storge- The love from a parent to child, in which the needs
of the child literally become the needs of the parent.
Philia- Is brotherly kindness and a warm and close
relationship that has similar characteristics of intimacy.
Eros- This is where the term 'erotic' comes from, a love
between men and women and includes a romantic love.
Agape- A love towards the fellow man, regardless of prior
knowledge of them. This is also known as charity.
Because many people misattribute the form of love that they
feel they often do not have the love that can sustain a committed relationship.
This is also why there are "3 P's" of dating so a couple can really
get to know each other. These are: planned, paid for, and paired off. These go
in relation to the general obligations of a husband which are to preside,
provide, and protect the family.
These are shown before marriage by the model of dating,
courtship, and engagement. Dating should only develop into an exclusive
relationship of courtship when the couple is in consideration of marriage and
the courtship into engagement when they are certain of marriage.